Head of Animation
Joe Spademan
Head of Animation
Joe Spademan

Joe is our Head of Animation, and has been animating since his first short in 1989 and has clearly never looked back. Since joining doodledo in 2019, Joe has led the animation team through 2D, 3D, stop-motion and live-action work for truly impactful campaigns here at home in Manchester and elsewhere. As well as animating, Joe makes sure everyone else in the animation team is able to succeed, from pairing our animation team with projects that suit them to leading team feedback sessions to collaborate and learn from each other.

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Meet more of the Animation team
Meet more of the Leadership team
Meet more of the Video team
Meet more of the Photography team
Managing Director

James Torry

Senior Animator

Megan Jones

Senior Animator

Kris Holmes

Junior Animator

Jack Humpherson

Studio Manager

Nicola Davies

...and meet the rest of the team.